Our Leadership Team
Chris Kirish is the Lead Pastor of Renovate Church. He and his wife Brianna left a growing, healthy church in the Inland Empire to start a new church in East Long Beach. They love the city of Long Beach and have a passion for reaching people far from God. They have 3 beautiful children. Jonah (7), Graceylnn (5), and Luke (4).
Our Values
Prayer is the engine by which we drive our ministry. The Church was born in prayer and we believe the Church is powerless without it. We refuse to pray meaningless, mundane prayers. We insist on praying prayers that match the size of our God.
We believe God did not call us to be busy but to make a difference. We believe the Church of Jesus Christ was to be a battleship and not a cruise ship. We do not measure success by how many sit in our seats but by how many are mobilized on mission to make an impact in our world.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. We are faith-filled, go big or go home risk takers. We would rather try and fail than never try at all. We refuse to insult God by thinking too small and we will take enough risks to fail every once in awhile.
Above everyone and everything God deserves our best. We refuse to present something to God that costs us nothing. We will do everything with excellence because that is the only proper way to serve our God.
We believe that God did not just call us to serve but to do it with joy. We will laugh hard and we will laugh often. We will do everything without grumbling or complaining because we’ve read the end of the story and we know who wins.